Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Red leather skirt: the new trend?

Hello, my dears!
Surfing on different blogs (like I do everyday, actually), I saw that 3 of the lovely bloggers I`m following are wearing red leather skirts.

Here are Andreea from Dreaming of Chanel, Dora from Fashion Painted Dreams and Koko from Special K (the photos are entirely girls' property). All of them are Romanian girls, with awesome blogs and outfits!

Is that the new trend? Apparently yes!
I have to admit that I have never loved leather skirts or pants, but, you know, never say never. I love these combinations: the classic black & red, the color blocking outfit and leather&jeans combination. I've actually had some sort of burgundy/red leather skirt in my closet for like one year, but never wore it. I think it`s time to get it out of there now!
Go on their blogs for more photos and tips!

Thanks a lot for reading!
Xoxo <3


  1. Multumesc din suflet pentru articol , scumpa !
    Cum ti-am spus si pe blog-ul meu , ma simt flatata ori de cate ori gasesc o tinuta de a mea publicata pe un alt blog .
    Si da .. ai dreptate ! Fusta rosie , din piele , e in trend ! Sper sa gasesti si tu una , cat mai repede :)
    Te urmaresc acum ! xxx

  2. Cu multă plăcere,chiar meriţi!
    Da,şi eu sper să o găsesc,am una,dar chiar nu ştiu unde e!:D

    Mulţumesc mult!

  3. Thanks sweetie, means a lot to me! ♥

  4. You are welcome,honey!:*

  5. Iti multumesc, ma bucur ca iti place tinuta!
    In legatura cu fustele din piele, sunt intr-adevar o optiune sofisticata in orice context, insa e o adevarata provocare sa gasesti acel exemplar care sa flateze silueta! :)

  6. Cu plăcere!
    Totuşi,atunci când îl găseşti,rezultatul e super!


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