Yesterday I had an amazing time with the Youth PhotoVideo Tek project, held by the Asirys volunteering association. Together with some of my mates from the photo club, we've been guides for young (well, older than us, but still young) photographers from Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Estonia, Colombia, Poland and also Romania. They took photos around my hometown, and they will also have an exhibition in Iaşi, on Sunday. It was a great experience to meet people from so many countries and to find out more about them & their lives. Here you have some of the photos, and I'll be back soon with more links, to share their amazing work with you.
Here you have the links to check out their work: Vivi's photos, Bogdan Frentescu's photos, Carlos' photos, SUPER TINERI's photos
Credits for the photos to all the people involved in this project!
Stay tuned!
Hugs x